Homo Novus


Accessibility Celebration Day

Curator Lība Bērziņa (Latvia)
02.09. 11:00-15:00; 19:00-late; Festival Centre | Free entry (with registration for Day Programme)

Day programme (registration is mandatory, will take place on the 1st floor)
11:00—11:10 Opening
11:10—12:30 Access to culture in Latvia
12:30—13:30 Sensory lunch, talks
13:30—15:00 Discussion “Inclusion and diversity in culture – the future” with Filip Pawlak from Poland
15:00—15:15 Closing and presentation of the Association “Culture Access Latvia”
Evening programme (without registration, on the 1st and 2nd floors, accessible by mobile lift)
19:00 Sit-in show with artists Baiba Baikovska, Diāna Ponaskova, Līga Ķikute
19:30 Dance party with DJ Richy Rich

About event

“The situation with accessibility in Latvia is almost like gambling — you never know whether a building or an event attended by a person with a disability will be accessible or not. It’s like a lottery. It often happens that when arriving at a place that is said to be accessible, the visitor has to literally stay on the street. “All the money is lost” and great disappointment follows, because there is no possibility to attend the event. The Accessibility Celebration Day will literally take place in the premises of the former casino. We hope that by playing the game we can also get the big win — a fully accessible and friendly environment for everyone! We want to celebrate what has already been achieved and look to the bright future. But we remind you that gambling is addictive just like environmental accessibility — once you start, there’s no turning back.”
Lība Bērziņa, Accessibility Manager and curator of the Accessibility Day



11:00-15:00; 19:00-late

Festival Centre

Free entry (with registration for Day Programme)

Festival Centre

Kaļķu iela 24

Free entry, with registration for Day Programme; from 19:00 for everyone

The number of places is limited, to register, e-mail to berzina.liba@gmail.com

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